10 Dec 2021

2021 Timera client work review

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A round up of interesting Timera client work this year, that provides an insight into where flex asset investors and owners are focusing:

  • Batteries & storage: We have supported more than 1GW of UK battery investment projects this year, with the UK continuing to lead European deployment. But we have also seen a jump in projects in Italy & Spain (mostly collocated) as well as some in NW Europe. Interest in long duration storage is also growing fast.
  • Hydrogen: Our investment work supporting hydrogen electrolyser and storage projects has grown fast. This has been supported by the evolution of our stochastic electrolyser modelling framework, inte
  • LNG Bridge: Our LNG Bridge model is quickly evolving into a market leading solution for LNG portfolio valuation & optimisation. We continue to implement & use the model across a range of large LNG players including gas majors, producers, utilities & commodity traders.
  • Peaking flex: We have been working with both peaking asset owners & investors to understand the impact of rapidly changing flex price signals on asset value.   
  • Renewables + flex: We have continued to support renewable investors analyse the value & risk diversification impact of adding flexible assets to portfolios (e.g. batteries, electrolysers).
  • Transactions: We continue to support buy-side investors with commercial due diligence & valuation work. In 2021 that has included bids for large hydro-electric & thermal asset portfolios, a renewables + battery portfolio,  LNG portfolios & SPAs, a large gas storage asset and an energy trading business (+ offtake contracts).

The common theme across all of this work is the flexibility required to decarbonise energy markets.

2021 Timera client work review