17 Nov 2022

Join our battery investment webinar on Nov 24th

1 min

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Topic: “Beyond ancillaries” – structural shift in GB battery revenue stack from ancillaries to energy arbitrage

Time & access: 14:00-15:00 BST, 15:00-16:00 CET; free access

Registration: Pre-registration required (access is free); register here.


  • Evidence of ancillary service revenue saturation (DC, FFR)
  • Surging ‘energy arbitrage’ price signals (intraday price shape & volatility)
  • Growing importance of Balancing Mechanism in driving BESS revenues
  • Backtesting analysis of GB BESS asset revenue capture (2018-22)
  • State of play: key BESS investment case drivers & risks

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Join our battery investment webinar on Nov 24th