26 Oct 2022

Join our LNG ‘Regime change’ webinar on Nov 17th

1 min

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Topic: “Regime change” – Impact of a new market regime on LNG portfolio value

Time & access: 8am GMT (9am CET, 4pm SST); free access

Registration: Pre-registration required (access is free); register here.


  • Supply & demand balance impact of European pivot from Russian gas to LNG
  • Resulting shift in market pricing dynamics (e.g. price levels, marginal price setting, volatility)
  • Implications for LNG portfolio construction (e.g. role of Europe, new supply, value of flexibility)
  • Implications for portfolio value management (e.g. European access, shift to ‘within portfolio’ optimisation)
  • Impact on risk management (e.g. portfolio hedging; credit risk & collateral issues)

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Join our LNG ‘Regime change’ webinar on Nov 17th