26 Jun 2023

Meet the Timera team: What’s next in global gas markets?

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Our feature content this week is video based. You can meet some of the Timera LNG & gas team members in a recording of our recent ‘What next?’ webinar focused on evolution of global gas markets across the next 10 years.

“We are set to see at least two more market regime shifts this decade… with substantial asset value impacts”

Click here for the slide pack from the webinar.

Click here to watch the webinar video recording.

Interested in some of the content covered? Here is a taster of a couple of excerpts from the webinar:

3 dominant regimes define next 10 years

We set out analysis that shows how a transition between 3 dominant market regimes is set to define the evolution of global gas market pricing dynamics across the next 10 years. The charts below show a supply & demand curve view in 2024 (tight), 2028 (oversupplied) & 2032 (balanced), illustrating how pricing dynamics shift with changes in the sources of flexibility setting marginal prices.

Source: Timera Energy

We also set out how shifting market regimes and pricing dynamics drive the value of LNG assets. Below is a case study of the evolution of value for a US tolling contract (115% Henry Hub) across recent history and the next 10 years.

Source: Timera Energy

For more details click on the links above to see the webinar pack and view the webinar.

Timera Global Gas Subscription Service launch

We have recently launched a Global Gas Service.  A quick summary:

  • Quarterly service
  • Detailed analysis, quantifying evolution of:
    1. Market supply & demand balance
    2. Pricing dynamics
    3. Asset value impact & conclusions
  • Comprehensive quarterly projection dataset & chartbook
  • Detailed slide-based report
  • Direct access to our experts

For more details see our brochure here.

You can also contact David Duncan – Gas & LNG Director (david.duncan@timera-energy.com) or Olly Spinks – Managing Director (olly.spinks@timera-energy.com).

Meet the Timera team: What’s next in global gas markets?