Gas subscription services

Gas subscription service

Our service includes

A. Global Gas Dataset – contains probabilistic analysis and projections of the evolution of global gas markets, pricing dynamics and impact on asset value (Quarterly)

B. Global Gas Report – Slide based report with latest data driven analysis & conclusions to support commercial & investment decision making (Bi-annual)

C. ‘One on one’ workshops – talk with Timera’s team of gas & LNG experts (Bi-annual)

A. Global Gas Dataset


Commercial, trading and risk teams are facing unprecedented gas market regime shifts and volatility. Our Datasheet empowers you with robust and sophisticated analysis to support effective decision making

Analysis is produced from our leading gas market fundamental, LNG portfolio valuation & gas asset models. Many leading gas & LNG companies are using our models and analysis to support commercial and investment decisions

Features of the Dataset

1. Scenario dataset of evolution of global gas S&D balance

2. Asset databases (e.g. European regas, LNG liquefaction)

3. Historical & forward datasets of key pricing dynamics driving value (e.g. levels, spreads, volatility & correlations)

4. Probabilistic & sensitivity analysis to quantify uncertainty

5. Qtr on Qtr analysis of changes in asset value drivers

B. Timera Gas Report


Our bi-annual Report provides battery investors with unique analysis of market & asset value drivers. It contains extensive data driven analysis to support commercial & investment decision making.

The report draws on our unique market intelligence & practical experience working with storage investors, traders & offtakers.

Summary of contents

1. Global gas market lookback & up to date analysis of evolution

2. Projections of S&D balance, S&D curve evolution & market regime probabilities

3. Analysis of market pricing dynamics (e.g. netbacks, regional price spreads, volatility, correlations)

4. Backtesting & forward projections of asset value e.g. SPAs, regas

5. Key commercial implications for asset & portfolio value

C. Workshop – talk to the experts


One on one workshops providing regular access to our team of LNG & gas experts with extensive commercial expertise of valuation and optimisation of LNG & gas assets.